Dream Interpretation Process
How to interpret dream symbols
There are many different ways to interpret dreams and dream symbols, and it is important to find the right way for you. While it might be tempting to use a Dream Symbol Dictionary, your personal associations are typically much more valuable. Some dream symbols may also have a cultural, collective or archetypal aspect, but your feelings about them will still be an important link that will help to determine the overall meaning of the dream.
The specific process outlined in this article is typically suited for dreams which elicit a strong emotional response. This type of dream can be difficult to shake off after you wake up, and can sometimes have lingering effects that escape into waking life.
That said, most dreams affect us emotionally on some level, and if you are feeling the urge to interpret a dream it has probably had a notable impact on you. So, even if you can’t immediately pinpoint your emotional response, this process is likely to tease out valuable information by helping you to get in touch with different aspects of the dream.
In terms of bringing the message of any dream to light, your emotional response is very valuable. The dream interpretation process below is great to use with recent dreams because these tend to be more ‘alive’ and it is easier to access the related feeling states. Alternatively, you could use the steps in conjunction with a dream journal since you will probably already have made a note of many of the key aspects.
A free dream interpretation pdf worksheet can be accessed below. This can help you to work through the process step-by-step.
I also offer one-to-one guided dream analysis sessions, using creative exploration. If you would like to find out more please get in touch, or book a session.
Old Wise One, painting by Lorraine Tolmie.
Dream Interpretation Process
Step 1 - List the dream symbols
Write a list of the main dream symbols that stand out in your mind. Focus on people, places, and objects that created a strong emotional response in the dream or when you bring them to mind now, in waking life.
Step 2 - Identify one main symbol to start exploring
Which of the dream symbols in your list creates the strongest emotional response for you? Write it down on a sheet of paper, or use the pdf worksheet. Don’t worry if you can’t decide, or if there are many symbols that seem important. You can start working with any of them and then return to the others later.
Step 3 - Identify the overall emotion you feel in response to the dream symbol
What is your overall emotional response to the symbol you have chosen to explore? If you can’t pinpoint a specific feeling or emotion, simply write down if you have positive or negative feelings towards it.
Step 4 - Identify the qualities of the dream symbol
For the next step, return to the dream symbol you selected in Step 2. Consider its main qualities or attributes - what stands out? Even small details may be valuable. In the pdf worksheet, you are asked to write down three qualities, but feel free to expand on this. See the suggestions below for further guidance.
People or Creatures
When thinking about the qualities of a person or creature that appears in your dream, you might consider their personality, behaviour, and appearance. If the person is someone you know in waking reality, is there anything different about them? Or does the person or creature remind you of anyone you know, including any aspect of yourself? If so, which aspects?
For an object, note down the colour, texture, shape, movement, or any other features that stand out. Even though the object might initially seem inanimate, you might consider if you can identify any human-like qualities.
In your dream, there may be indoor and outdoor environments. Next to each room, building, or outdoor space write down prominent descriptive words. Is the place light or dark? Cramped or spacious? Colourful or gloomy?
Step 5 - Identify your emotional associations to the qualities of the dream symbol
The qualities of the dream symbol or character are typically less important than how you felt when encountering it. Next to each symbol and the related qualities you have listed, note down your feelings. Does it create a sense of trepidation? Or excitement? Sense into your body and notice what is happening. Consider whether the dream symbol tends to make you feel contracted or expansive, tense or relaxed. Do you notice anything happening in your body that reminds you of a situation in your waking life?
Step 6 - Ask yourself - what do I know now?
Reflecting on your initial thoughts about your dream and its meaning, has anything changed for you? Did any new information come to light after having worked through the steps? Look back at your response in Step 3 of the dream interpretation process about your overall feeling. Compare this answer to your responses in Step 5. Did the details that you uncovered in Step 5 reveal anything interesting? Sometimes the initial feeling that was identified may turn out to be more complex, or nuanced. As is shown in the example below, it is often the case that frightening dream characters can have another, less threatening, side to them.
Repeat this process, working with different aspects of the dream, to gain more insight. Your initial feelings about the dream may continue to shift as new meaning unfolds.