Crossing Thresholds Free E-book
Crossing Thresholds shares the stories of nine artists, gathered during a research project exploring visual art and nonordinary states of consciousness. The stories and accompanying art demonstrate the extraordinary capacity of the human mind to access subtle information, and how the creative process can facilitate a dialogue with a mysterious source.
The main research findings are shared in the second section of the book, alongside a discussion of some of the related theories.
Ultimately, these types of experiences challenge the paradigm of materialist science and show the underlying interconnectedness of matter and mind.

The Research
The purpose of this research was to explore stories of people using visual art to depict experiences beyond the boundary of ordinary consciousness (such as altered states of consciousness or unusual experiences). The concept of transliminality, developed by Michael Thalbourne was a significant influence on the research design. The aim of the study was to understand more about the creative process when connected to a non-ordinary state of consciousness and how it might relate to the day-to-day life of artists, specifically heightened perception and their sense of boundaries.
This was a qualitative research project using Integral Inquiry and combining narrative and arts-based methods. I gathered stories using an online survey and interviewed several artists to find out about their experiences. The data were analysed using both analytical and creative methods. You can read about some of the findings in my article - An Otherworldly Connection Through Art-Making.
The project was conducted as part of a masters degree programme offered by Alef Trust and was granted ethical approval by Liverpool John Moores University.
If you have any questions about this project please email Lorraine.