Hypnotherapy for Anxiety
In an online hypnotherapy session for anxiety, I will guide you through processes that can help you to:
Change repetitive thought patterns
Find new pathways to peace and calm
Activate a resting state that promotes wellbeing
Discover resourceful, supportive states
For new clients, I offer a free consultation. This gives us an opportunity to have an informal chat about how we can work together. You can find out more about my approach and qualifications on the About page.
How I can support you to overcome anxiety and overwhelm
In my integrative therapeutic practice, I combine hypnosis with creative play and embodied exploration. This approach works at an unconscious level and can help to transform your experience by changing the root causes of your anxiety. Because each person experiences anxiety in a different way, every one-to-one session is tailored to your needs.
Research & Evidence
Scientific research has shown that hypnosis can regulate the nervous system, helping you to transition into a resting state.
When you experience anxiety the fight or flight system (sympathetic nervous system) is activated. In addition to mental distress, this can lead to physical signs and symptoms. By shifting into a relaxed state (parasympathetic nervous system) your body and mind are in a state known as ‘rest and digest’ which promotes health and well-being.
During a hypnotherapy session, most people experience a deep sense of calm and relaxation. The work we do together in session occurs at an unconscious level and can create new pathways in the brain.
Learn more about the signs and symptoms of anxiety.
Importance of self-care to help anxiety and overwhelm
Whether you decide to try hypnotherapy (or another healing modality) it is really valuable to take time for self-care. It is important to eat a healthy, balanced diet. If you are prone to anxiety, avoiding caffeine may also be of benefit - research has shown that this can contribute to symptoms. Exercise releases hormones that can boost mood and reduce anxiety levels - even a short walk can be beneficial to increase a sense of wellbeing. Many people find that getting outside and spending time in nature is very soothing.
If you are finding it difficult to sleep, try using guided meditation. You might want to try self-hypnosis or a visualisation exercise. This may help you to drift off. Even if you remain awake, simply allowing the body to rest can be valuable. If you are struggling with repetitive thoughts, consider practising mindfulness. A very simple way to start is just to name the thought or feeling, accept it, then let it go. A powerful, ancient way of dealing with problems is to ask for nature’s help. Try imagining your worries or fears carried away by the wind, being consumed by a healing fire, letting them be washed away by the ocean, or bury them in the earth where they will be naturally transmuted into nourishment for the eco-system.