Hypnotherapy for Creative Blocks
From Creative Block to Creative Breakthrough
Rediscover effortless creative expression
Gain insight into the source of creative blocks
Learn to access flow states more easily
As an artist, I know the frustration of experiencing creative blocks. Most creative people have developed tools and tricks to side-step resistance and overcome blocks. Yet, sometimes creative blocks can become protracted or stubborn. Hypnotherapy can be a powerful way to reveal the unseen (and often unexpected) obstacles that are holding you back from free expression.
As an integrative hypnotherapist, I work with a variety of tools and techniques including guided imagery and arts-based exercises. By guiding you to connect with the wisdom of your unconscious mind this process has great potential to uncover emergent knowledge and open pathways to flow. Each online hypnotherapy session is designed to facilitate access to naturally creative states of consciousness and your innate creativity.
My research into art and nonordinary states of consciousness highlights how creative inspiration often comes from a mysterious source. If you would like to find out more, you can download a free copy of my ebook, Crossing Thresholds.
How can hypnotherapy help with creative blocks?
In my work with creative people who are experiencing obstacles or creative blocks, most have expressed frustration that they have more freedom of expression when they are not working with a clear agenda. For visual artists, absent-minded doodles can show a freedom of expression that is absent in other work. Writers often access creative flow with spontaneous notes and journal pages that then dries up when facing a project.
At times when you feel that creative expression is effortless, you are usually in a different state of consciousness than an everyday thinking mode. This might feel day-dreamy, playful, or simply automatic. When the conscious, analytical mind is less active, you are less inhibited by rules or by following prescribed techniques. In deeper states of consciousness, you can enter a state of fluidity and imagination that feels much like creative flow.
Hypnotherapy works on many different levels. It can create new neural pathways, training the brain to access conditions of flow more easily. From a more expansive perspective, learning to access deeper states of consciousness can guide us to our inner wisdom, and perhaps even open doorways to more mysterious sources of inspiration.